The mission of Clintonville Volunteer Fire Department and Relief Association shall be the preservation of life and property from but not limited to fire, rescue, natural disasters, medical emergency, public service, hazmat, and accidents. We will carry out this mission throughout our coverage area of the boroughs of Clintonville and Barkeyville, and the municipalities of Clinton Township, Irwin Township, Scrubgrass Township, and Victory Township, along with any mutual aid we are called for, and to hold such real or personal property as shall be necessary in carrying out this mission.
The Clintonville Volunteer Fire Department and Relief Association operates as a volunteer fire company with a 96 square mile fire district. They provide essential services such as fire suppression, first response, first aid, and accident scene control to the communities of Clintonville, PA, Clinton township, Irwin township, Scrubgrass township, Victory township, and Barkeyville borough.
This is crucial work that needs not only your thanks, but your practical support. There are many ways to pitch in and do your part. We welcome new members. You can contribute in many different ways. Check out these options to see where you could fit in: